PBI IAIN PALANGKA RAYA - International Conference and Alumni Meet and Great of English Department was held on Saturday, 25 June 2016 at Eks Lab Peradilan Syariah (belakang ATM BNI IAIN Palangka Raya). We would like to thank all those who participated - you helped make our conference a great success.
Special thanks also to the international speakers from Ma'din Academy, India:
Dr. Mahmoodul Hasan
Mr. Muhammed Hafiz Kidarathi
Mr. Mubashir Ambazhathingal
Mr. Muhammed Hafiz Kidarathi
Mr. Mubashir Ambazhathingal
They had delivered their speech "Role of International language Toward Educational System". They had given us some motivations and inspirations "how do we as English student expand the world of research and international language". Learning foreign languages has opened a
marvelous window to cultural and ethical studies beyond boundaries as
well as it has facilitated a stupendous way toward acquiring inter
continental possibilities of education and research.
This event was followed by active students and a few alumni. Alhamdulilah, For this year's meet and greet from 114 people signing the present list, 62 among them are alumni. Among them, Muhammad Nurcholik (2005 Alumni) are the winners of outstanding teachers, he is from Pangkalanbun, Agus Suratno is from Sukamara and Yayu July is a teacher in North Borneo.
After maghrib prayer. It continued to organize the formation of alumni coordinator.
The results are:
1. Jhon Qisty as Chairman of TBI STAIN/IAIN Alumni Association, Palangka Raya.2. J Jamil Januansyah( 085245397001 ) as Coordinator (North Kotawaringin)
3.Udha Bagelaga Tuam (0813 48015428) as Coordinator (Seruyan)
4. Shehab Ndo (0811 5232866) as Coordinator (Kobar, Lamandau, Sukamara)
5. Ayu Dwitasari (0853 50002887) as Coordinator (Palangka Raya)
6. Andrean WA (+62 899‑4222‑100) as Coordinator (Murung Raya)
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